Moving right along..

I’m moving right along, setting things in motion for this new journey, and the order for my cd was put it in. Check out the link to see my cover @ and tell me what you think. The first person who comments and can tell me the name of the Ep, provide a description of the cover and the # of tracks will receive a free CD.


  1. Shesjustblessed · September 2, 2015

    Great Kip!! When can we hear some of your music?? Can we sample something???👀


  2. Rod · September 6, 2015

    I just had a chance to check out your new blog. I am so happy for you that your CDs have been ordered. I can’t wait to hear it. And I like to cover art for your album too. Keep up the excellent work! You are definitely on your way. And no, I haven’t forgotten about the Sheridan’s. 😉


    • ijuswanasang · September 13, 2015

      Hey Rod thanks for checking the site out. I’m still waiting…


  3. John Savage · September 26, 2015

    Hello. Kippa. Great album and art. Sends a nice message. We at DNS wish you much success.


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