Long Time, No Hear

Hey Fam hows it going?

Its been a minute since I have been here. I have a lot to talk about. Since the last post, I have done my last feature and CD Release party. They were very successful and I will be posting pics and video. I still have a few CD’s left and you can order/listen on several sites: Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, CD Universe. Working on some other music projects in addition to some other endeavors.

Do you like alcoholic beverages?

Image result for alcohol drinks

Do you need a decoration/design consultant?

Image result for decorating consultant

Stay tuned for more information and music..Until then…Kippa

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Whats up! The CD’s are back! 


The EP itself is titled “Madness” and there are 5 songs all written by yours truly; I also produced one myself. “Madness” is about relationships, and the types of feelings we encounter; good and bad. One minute you’re infatuated, happy and calm, and the next minute, you’re arguing and fighting then breaking up. A wave of emotions or a rollercoaster of emotions exist and can drive you crazy; hence the word MADNESS. I’m sure plenty of you can relate and have had similar experiences. The songs on the EP speak on the different stages people go through in relationships from the beginning to the end; or new beginning.. My new single also titled “Madness” is now available to hear. Check it out @ https://soundcloud.com/kippa-379692375/04-madness. Let me know what you think. I would luv to hear your feedback.