From the beginning…

Hey fam! Thanks for visiting my new bog, I am so excited to share my journey with you; I hope you enjoy reading. This is my new blog talking about my luv of this thing called music, and this journey I was born to follow. I always wanted to sing since I was about 5 or 6. I remember how my mom and dad were always playing something in the house and can recall the shelves lined with numerous albums consisting of all genres. We had one of those record players built into the console and for hours I would play records and lay on the floor with my eyes closed; pretending I was in a concert. That was my way of studying the voices and nuances of Natalie Cole, Chaka Khan, Angie Bofill and numerous others. In addition to studying the voices, I studied everything else that was connected to a song; the music production, background vocals, instruments and so forth. I didn’t realize it until a couple of years ago, after having a conversation with one of my music professors that I basically trained myself to hear music in my head and play back without sheet music. It may take me awhile to get the whole thing but if I have something playing in my head I can sit at a piano/keyboard and figure out the keys and so forth. These are some of the things that make me who I am musically and I will finally be able to share my music with the world. Someone is always asking when I will finish my ep. Well my 1st ep is almost ready and will be released sooner than you may think. Keep following me for details…

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